Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Regional Workshop November 2, 2023

New London High School STEM Lecture Hall


7:45     Groton STA bus picks up Fitch High students

8:00     Groton STA bus picks up Ledyard High students

8:30     Arrive at New London High STEM Program Lecture Hall


8:45 Icebreakers:

  • Name games – Cold wind Blows, you, me, left, right 
  • Movement games – blog tag with three-people teams base, single person with three-people base

9:15 Beach ball tower construction Team building.

  • Assign kids to a group for the day
  • Sheets of newspaper and scotch tape 

9:45 Mission Review:

  • More Than Words is a group of student leaders from Fitch High School, Ledyard High School and the Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation, and New London High School Multi Magnet Campus High School.
  • The mission of More Than Words is to promote resect for diversity, facilitate communication and build trust among members of our community. Goals: develop a group able to respond to crises, work proactively to prevent problems and celebrate diversity. 

9:50 Camp Hazen trip review: 

  • Best aspects of trip?
  • Parts of experience we should skip next time?
  • Did the Camp Hazen trip support the goals of More Than Words?

10:00 Break

10:25 Leadership Discussion: 

  • “Victims are spectators in their own lives and leaders are players in the human drama around them.”
  • Definition of leader small group dialogue and write brief definition on newsprint.  

11:00 Ledyard and Fitch incident explanation Who were the leaders, allies, bystanders and how do we make sure leaders honors their safety? 

  • Small group discussion:
    • What part of the stories do you find most important?
    • What is the role of leader and the ally? 
    • Where do the bystanders fit in? 
    • Did the leaders face possible threats to their safety?

 11:45 Lunch

12:15 MLK Scholar Recognition 

12:30 Fitch High School student-developed Anti-Bigotry Policy.

  • Policy elements how developed
  • Why policy is important to school community
  • How do we ensure everyone knows about the policy and follows the guidelines?

1:00 Wrap up activities, social sharing

1:15     Bus departs New London High

1:45     Drop off Ledyard High students.

2:15     Drop off Fitch High students.