Saturday, April 15, 2023

Regional Workshop April 20, 2023

April 20, 2023

New London High School STEM Lecture Hall


7:45     Groton STA bus picks up Fitch High students

8:00     Groton STA bus picks up Ledyard High students

8:30     Arrive at New London High STEM Program Lecture Hall


8:45 Icebreakers:

  • Name games – two groups and see who can memorize names the best.

  • Movement games – All Aboard game

  • Starfish story

  • Closure regarding Bennie Dover Jackson student workshop – Mike Graner

    • Strategy for addressing middle school transition problems: anti-bullying workshop 

9:15 Beach ball tower construction 🡪Team building.

  • Assign kids to a group for the day

  • Sheets of newspaper and scotch tape 

9:30 Clarify role of More Than Words in today’s schools: 

  • Small group breakout session 🡪 share with large group

  • As student leaders, how do we become change agents in our schools?

  • What do we hope to accomplish as a group of student leaders? 🡪 see fish bowl questions 

  • In what ways can we make a difference?

  • What is the difference between Snitching (Tattling) vs Telling 

  • What is the role of a More Than Words student leader; what is the mission of the group? 

  • What behaviors does someone show that make you trust them? 

10:00 Break

10:15 Anti-bullying workshop: Leadership and conflict resolution training

  • Read Manny McMoose and His Chubby Caboose by Kevin McMann

    • Orientation to bullying and reading the book

  • Small group response to discussion questions:

    • Bullying usually involves three components: bully, victim and bystander

    • Why do some people bully others?

    • Is silence supportive to the victim of bullying?

    • How does a student leader respond to bullying…physical, verbal or emotional? 

    • If a student reports an incident, is that getting someone in trouble or helping someone get out of trouble? Does your intention matter? 

    • Can we adopt structures in and out of school to prevent incidents? 

  • Share take-aways from discussion with large group.

 11:15 Lunch

11:45 Opinion continuum or Fishbowl   Student Voice

  • Small group brainstorm statements  🡪 select 1 or 2 best

  • Share with large group 🡪 do the continuum


Fish Bowl

  • Small group brainstorm statements  🡪  where so we go from here?

  • Share with large group 🡪 proposed direction

12:30 Report from each school on club activities: 

  • Ledyard – fourth grade workshops

  • Fitch – joint meeting with Ledyard club

  • New London – mentorship planning for next year 


12:50 Wrap up activities, social sharing, plans for final workshop at Tribal Community Center

1:15     Bus departs New London High

1:45     Drop off Ledyard High students.

2:15     Drop off Fitch High students.